Knowing Yourself

CANI: Constant And Neverending Improvement

We all hear and see inspirational quotes pretty much every day. Advertisers use them, Nike’s Just Do It springs to mind immediately, whether we’re browsing through social media,  watching TV, listening to a podcast, reading books, positive quotes are everywhere. I love them and I like to keep the good ones in my scrap book and photo stream on my phone.

One that has stuck is CANI: Constant And Never-ending Improvement. It originates from the Japanese work Kaizen and totally resonates with how I want to live my life. Whether it relates to my career aspirations, physical training or my relationships, it gives a very solid mantra of always striving to better myself.

Making and tracking goals based on this mantra has served me very well over the past few years, rather than coasting through life expecting luck to create a happy ever after for me, I’ve seriously thought about what I want, based on that I’ve set solid goals and worked towards them, revisited them to raise the bar higher and feel like it’s really paid off.