CSS Web Development

Ratio Grids – The Next Generation of Fluid Grids

I’ve recently caught up with some workshops from the New York Future of Web Development conference and was particularly taken with a talk by Cory Simmons, founder of the Jeet Grid System (

He highlighted the emergence of pre-processor based grid systems which allows us to create super fast bespoke grids using ratios with either SASS or Stylus. It takes the pain away from having to constantly calculate %’s for layout elements and by using the available formulas/mixins we could create a grid in as little as six characters.

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of using Ratio Grids:

Traditional Grid Systems Ratio Grid Systems
Examples 960 Grid, Bootstrap, Foundation

Jeet, Bourbon Neat, Susy, Bootstrap (mixins), Flint

  • Easy to integrate.
  • Define grids on the fly
  • We don’t need extra elements / row classes anymore
  • Simple, if you need to change the grid it can be as simple as amending the ratio defined
  • Padding based Grids (extra elements required)
  • Now Flexbox can offer a lot easier implementation
  • Bigger CSS file sizes.More markup required.
  • Classes are pre-defined and can be complicated/ alot of classes are redundant from the onset.
  • Needs SASS or Stylus

The aim of CSS was to separate the presentation layer away from the structural layer (HTML), however we moved into a time where we had to clutter our HTML with a lot of additional elements and classes, now we’re in a time when we can have pretty CSS and semantic HTML and create desired results in a fraction of the time.

I haven’t fully adopted any of the ratio grid frameworks yet, but i’m certainly having a lot of fun experimenting. Here’s a tutorial so that you can explore in more depth.