Javascript Web Development


Angular type examples when using feature.type.ts naming conventions:

  • Module
    • Groups related components, services, directives and pipes together.
  • Component
    • The core building blocks of your application.
    • Controls a portion of the screen.
    • Components can be made up of other components.
    • The selector is the tag name that you add to your webpage.
    • The template is the HTML content that displays inside the component and the templateUrl is the path to the directive which will display the code.
    • Within Angular JS these were scopes and controllers.
  • Directive
    • Historically their were a large amount of built in directives such as ng-repeat and ng-click (in Angular JS) but Angular now uses attribute, class and style bindings such as (click)=”event()” – *ngFor is now used instead of ng-repeat
    • You can build bespoke directives to display the html for your component
  • Service
    • A class
  • Pipe
    • Historically what I called filters which allow you to change data by declaring it within your html, for example changing a number or string to currency
    • Angular has built in pipes such as currency and date.
    • Bespoke pipes can be created
    • Pipes can be chained together so you can transform data multiple ways