Agile Agile Methods & Frameworks

SCRUM…. Agile Methodology Overview

Over the past year especially I have become a real advocate of approaching my web development tasks in an agile way. Historically I would gain a brief, write a spec, create wireframes, create design compositions in a software program such as Illustrator or Photoshop, create a html prototype, create a functional spec on the server […]

Web Development

Is your website ready for the Windows 10 upgrade?

Microsoft has released a free Windows 10 upgrade for all Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 customers. It terms of the web industry this is huge, Microsoft is finally with the times in terms of pushing web standards forward and from the 29th July Microsoft Edge will be the default Microsoft web browser. It is thought that […]

CSS Web Development

The futures bright, the futures FLEXBOX

I’ve been a web developer long enough to (shamelessly) remember the days of table based layouts, granted I think I may have only cluttered the web with one site but back in the day before web standards it was kind of accepted practice….. Obviously I quickly moved into CSS based layouts and had enormous amounts of […]

CSS Web Development

Ratio Grids – The Next Generation of Fluid Grids

I’ve recently caught up with some workshops from the New York Future of Web Development conference and was particularly taken with a talk by Cory Simmons, founder of the Jeet Grid System ( He highlighted the emergence of pre-processor based grid systems which allows us to create super fast bespoke grids using ratios with either SASS or […]

Digital Marketing Social Media

6 uses of social media in business

Brands use social in 6 pillars; HR, PR, Sales, Customer Service, Business Intelligence and Internal Communications. Social Media has been around for quite some time now however as digital has rapidly evolved I think we’re in an age where we maybe need to pause and digest all of the information out there and to help […]

Digital Marketing

I’m a (Google) square

I’ve finally took the plunge and enrolled on a digital marketing course. I choose Squared Online as it seemed to tick all of the boxes for me, it’s developed by Google and I ultimately wanted to ensure that what I think I know is correct, so far so good. Here’s my project one introduction video:

jQuery Web Development

Responsive Sectioned Slider

Responsive websites face the issue that an advert which looks fabulous full screen on a desktop can end up being unreadable and out of proportion once scaled down to a mobile screen size. One way to overcome this is to break out your individual slides into sections, as the design scales down you can manipulate […]

Knowing Yourself

4 Quadrants of Effective Time Management

A few years ago I became very interested in personal development and as a result became a fan of Stephen Covey, he is one of the great contributors of the field. I’ve read his book the seven habits of highly effective people quite a number of times and find his chapter on habit 3; put […]

Knowing Yourself

CANI: Constant And Neverending Improvement

We all hear and see inspirational quotes pretty much every day. Advertisers use them, Nike’s Just Do It springs to mind immediately, whether we’re browsing through social media,  watching TV, listening to a podcast, reading books, positive quotes are everywhere. I love them and I like to keep the good ones in my scrap book […]