Agile Knowing Yourself Serving the Team

Environment & Conditions are Everything

A few months ago my husband decided to grow some Japanese Sakura trees. He went through both the stratification and germination steps and about 5 weeks ago the seedlings were ready to be planted. Maybe it is because I have been working from home and walking past the pots a good few times everyday, or […]

Knowing Yourself

Time to Think

In 2020 I decided that I wanted to practice the habit of reading more. I loved reading as a teenager – then it became something that I would only do at work or on holiday. Throughout the last couple of years, I have consumed a lot of books via Audible and decided to treat myself […]

Agile Knowing Yourself

Why Agile?

What is Agile and why do we want to ensure the product development at Vertu follows this methodology? At the heart of agile is a mindset that aims to constantly evolve requirements and solutions through the collaborative effort of self-organising and cross-functional teams which include their customers. In other words, if we aim for early […]

Knowing Yourself

4 Quadrants of Effective Time Management

A few years ago I became very interested in personal development and as a result became a fan of Stephen Covey, he is one of the great contributors of the field. I’ve read his book the seven habits of highly effective people quite a number of times and find his chapter on habit 3; put […]

Knowing Yourself

CANI: Constant And Neverending Improvement

We all hear and see inspirational quotes pretty much every day. Advertisers use them, Nike’s Just Do It springs to mind immediately, whether we’re browsing through social media,  watching TV, listening to a podcast, reading books, positive quotes are everywhere. I love them and I like to keep the good ones in my scrap book […]