Serving the Team

Driving Better Conversations in Product Refinement

In team refinement sessions, conversation and collaboration are key. As a Scrum Master, I’ve witnessed hundreds of hours of refinement sessions. What I observe, across a wide range of teams, is often a member of the team (most likely a business analyst or product owner/manager) gathers requirements from a team on the fly, sharing their […]

Agile Knowing Yourself Serving the Team

Environment & Conditions are Everything

A few months ago my husband decided to grow some Japanese Sakura trees. He went through both the stratification and germination steps and about 5 weeks ago the seedlings were ready to be planted. Maybe it is because I have been working from home and walking past the pots a good few times everyday, or […]

Agile Serving the Team


Velocity is a measurement of how much work a team can get done in a sprint. At the end of the sprint the team’s “Velocity” can be calculated by adding up the estimates (in our case story points) for those items that have reached ‘done’. We can track Velocity over time from one sprint to […]

Agile Serving the Team

Story Points: Estimating Product Backlog Items

Story points are designed to give an indication of complexity. Their purpose is to help estimate a task. They also help to calculate velocity and aid release planning/forecasts. Scrum does not recommend any particular estimating approach but arguably the most common approach is story points (I believe its origins are linked to Xtreme Programming). The […]

Agile Serving the Team

Tuckman’s 4 Stages of Group Development

Forming Positive and polite Some may feel anxious Eager to please, make an effort to get to know one another Storming Push against boundaries Conflict around working styles and personalities Frustrations around peoples differences in approach Some people question teams goals and avoid taking on tasks Some teams never get past the storming stage….. Norming […]