Javascript Web Development


Angular type examples when using feature.type.ts naming conventions: Module Groups related components, services, directives and pipes together. Component The core building blocks of your application. Controls a portion of the screen. Components can be made up of other components. The selector is the tag name that you add to your webpage. The template is the HTML […]

Javascript Web Development

AngularJS (My Reference)

AngularJS is what HTML would have been had it been designed for building web applications. Features Magical two-way data binding (HTML being the view simple JavaScript variables being the model) Provides a solid structure for client side applications Routing Support – AngularJS was built for single page web applications Templating – AngularJS uses plain old HTML […]

Javascript Web Development


The new way to define variables var = “something”; is becoming a thing of the past. The new ways to define variables are: const – use this when the variable your are assigning is a constant – i.e. the value won’t change throughout your project. let – generally use this if you are scoping a […]