Web Development

Is your website ready for the Windows 10 upgrade?

Microsoft has released a free Windows 10 upgrade for all Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 customers. It terms of the web industry this is huge, Microsoft is finally with the times in terms of pushing web standards forward and from the 29th July Microsoft Edge will be the default Microsoft web browser. It is thought that over 400 million users will migrate, could this finally mark an end of having to think about legacy IE browsers while coding? With that amount of potential reach I’m certainly going to spend the next month checking that all of my sites function and behave nice on it, nothings a given, for instance I was surprised when I implemented a sticky footer using Flexbox in a recent project, that it didn’t play nice in IE11…. For my testing I use BrowserStack but you will find with a simple Google search there are other options available.