Agile Serving the Product Owner

What makes a great Product Backlog Item?

The more specific a product backlog item is, the more efficient a team will be when working through the items. All items should contain a concise description, if you imagine the reader has zero knowledge of the system would they understand what you are asking? Good briefs are user-focused. In agile, user stories are actually […]



Scaled Agile Framework®️ (SAFe®️) Agile Release Train (ART) CALMR (Culture, Automation, Lean flow, Measurement and Recovery) JIT (Just in Time) Verification and Validation (V&V) Lean Product Development (LPD) PDCA, Plan-Do-Check-Act PESTLE, sources of change (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental) MoSCoW, used in prioritisation (Must-haves, Should-haves, Could-haves, and Will not have (or Wish-haves) VUCA, […]

Agile Serving the Team

Tuckman’s 4 Stages of Group Development

Forming Positive and polite Some may feel anxious Eager to please, make an effort to get to know one another Storming Push against boundaries Conflict around working styles and personalities Frustrations around peoples differences in approach Some people question teams goals and avoid taking on tasks Some teams never get past the storming stage….. Norming […]

Agile Knowing Yourself

Why Agile?

What is Agile and why do we want to ensure the product development at Vertu follows this methodology? At the heart of agile is a mindset that aims to constantly evolve requirements and solutions through the collaborative effort of self-organising and cross-functional teams which include their customers. In other words, if we aim for early […]

Web Development

Visual Studio Code Reference

Command Line Options code . Opens Visual Studio Code (in the current folder). code filename.extension (-r) Opens a specific file (or creates a specific file if it is not already present) within the current window. This also works for folders. code filename.extension -n Opens a specific file (or creates a specific file if it is […]

Javascript Web Development


Angular type examples when using feature.type.ts naming conventions: Module Groups related components, services, directives and pipes together. Component The core building blocks of your application. Controls a portion of the screen. Components can be made up of other components. The selector is the tag name that you add to your webpage. The template is the HTML […]

Web Development

How I like to do things

I’ve recently been carrying out interviews as we are expanding our team at Vertu Motors and I’ve realised that in the world of web development there is still no right or wrong way to do things and a never ending list of different IDEs, methodologies, approaches to projects and ways to execute the same task. […]

Javascript Web Development

AngularJS (My Reference)

AngularJS is what HTML would have been had it been designed for building web applications. Features Magical two-way data binding (HTML being the view simple JavaScript variables being the model) Provides a solid structure for client side applications Routing Support – AngularJS was built for single page web applications Templating – AngularJS uses plain old HTML […]

Javascript Web Development


The new way to define variables var = “something”; is becoming a thing of the past. The new ways to define variables are: const – use this when the variable your are assigning is a constant – i.e. the value won’t change throughout your project. let – generally use this if you are scoping a […]

HTML Web Development

HTML Tip – HTML5 input type=number value is empty in Webkit

Recently I came across an issue in webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari but not Firefox) in one of my apps, basically the fields which had a type of number were empty in these browsers. After debugging it appears that if there is a space in the value of a number field the browser doesn’t display anything. The […]