Web Development

Visual Studio Code Reference

Command Line Options

code .
Opens Visual Studio Code (in the current folder).
code filename.extension (-r)
Opens a specific file (or creates a specific file if it is not already present) within the current window. This also works for folders.
code filename.extension -n
Opens a specific file (or creates a specific file if it is not already present) within a new window. This also works for folders.
code filename.extension:linenumber -g
Opens a specific file at a specific line number.


Opens command palette (navigation mode) allowing you to easily search folders for a specific file. Typing the > character changes the mode to full command palette.
Opens command palette
When the command prompt is open typing ? displays a list of all available commands.
Visual Studio Code has built in support for emmet shortcuts.
Multi Cursor
When you have your cursor within a word or tag you can type ctrl+f2 and it will select all instances of the word
Selecting a block and typing shift+ctrl+l selects all occurrences of current selection
Alt+click allows you to add multiple cursors wherever you want